Tuesday, February 2, 2010


So I have a list of goals for the year, personal and professional. I used to be obsessed with goal setting, making lists, checking them twice, you know the drill. And the best feeling for me was crossing every last thing off that list. For some reason now though, this is an overwhelming project for me—making and keeping goals for myself that is. If I write them down, I might actually have to DO them. Like as in, make an effort. Aka work. And that’s where you’ve lost me. Hard work is scary, and well…hard. But this year I’m going to do it. I’m starting simple. Just a few short goals, things I want to improve on or accomplish. At the top of my list, I want to be happier being me.

I hate to play the pregnancy card, but I feel like I lost myself for a while when I was pregnant and even afterward for a time. I didn’t recognize myself physically or emotionally. I was constantly exhausted and grumpy, and I’ve never felt so insecure. Lately though, I feel like I’m finally starting to know who I am again, and it’s such a good feeling. So this year I hope to grow more confident, feel more comfortable in my own skin, and just love myself more—as a person, a mother, and a photographer.

(Another goal of mine is to spend more time in front of the camera, and not hate the result.)


Sara Zahn said...

I know you will love yourself as soon as you see what I see :) You are absolutly gorgeous! I understand what you mean about losing yourself. The past three years are kinda a blur to me when it comes to what kind of person I am/was... It seems I got sucked into being just a mom and wife instead of being Sara.

Scott J said...

Soooooooo sexy!

Audrey @ The Cloth Parcel said...

I know what you mean about losing yourself... Sometimes you just want to take care of yourself for a while. I think that is a great goal to be happier with being you. I like it. I like it a lot.

LBJ said...

I'm amazed that you don't see how beautiful you are in front of a camera. You are about the most photogenic person I've ever seen. You've never taken a bad picture!
You are beautiful both inside and out too. We love all the people you are, Jenna, a photographer,a homemaker, a member of our family, a wife and a Mom. We love you! Good goal!

Jacquee said...

you look amazing in front of the camera. be happy!

I can absolutely relate to feeling lost pre and post baby. Nothing can ever prepare a woman for that crazy train. but from what I can see, you are recovering beautifully! Way to set goals to help find yourself