Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patty's

Baby Steps

Oy it's been a while. I get so behind on updating that I just don't post at all. Amazing logic I know right? Anyway, I have lots of pictures to share from our secret trip to Cali, but the latest news is that miss Eva is getting dangerously close to walking on her own. She still insists on having a little help (see video below), but I'm sure she'll be off in no time at all. Can't say that I'm particularly happy about this. They really do grow up far too quickly.


Scott J said...

i love that cutie girl! i love that she tries to get penny and almost falls in the process. I love that girl!

Audrey @ The Cloth Parcel said...

It seriously happens so fast! Molly went from taking a few steps by herself at a time to mostly walking all the time in about a week!

LBJ said...

We're so happy to share her every little accomplishment. Isn't it wonderful to have her in our lives, even if only on video.
She is a cutie girl!!

Nick and Jill said...

Can we adorable! She looks like one happy little girl. She must have a great momma.

Stacy and Derek said...

How fun! My boys loved this video...they are pretty taken with little Eva. :)

Jessie Lewis said...

I let Maddie watch this video. She watched it very closely and blurted out , "Abe-uh!" (Eva). She totally remembers her and the whole time she was in the tub she just kept saying it over and over while she played with her toys. We'll need to get them together again.