Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter With the Jameson's

I had a mahhvelous weekend watching our church's General Conference and commemorating the Atonement and Resurrection of our Savior. I don't talk much about them here, but my beliefs are so important to me, and it truly was a wonderful weekend. Still I'm hoping to watch Conf. again this week. One can only pay so much attention with a naughty cute little babe getting into everything.

Speaking of that girl, she got her first visit from this guy.

Complete with one of these.
(Thank you Target Dollar Shop.)

Being the cracker and book loving girl that she is, you'd think that miss Eva would be stoked to get a giant bag of animal crackers and a pack of four new books all to herself, plus some other cool stuff to boot.

Yeah no.

Next year I think we'll forgo all the stuff and stick with the basket of grass.

(Ok seriously. So in love with this grin.)

I guess she did also enjoy the eggs that Scott surprised us with around the house Sunday morning.

Love that boy.
And this girl.

Happy Easter!


Corinne said...

Those pictures are so cute! It always cracks me up what they pick to be excited about. This year our kids were more excited about their new toothbrushes in the basket than the candy, toys & movies that were in there. You never know with kids.

LBJ said...

Her wonder at the Easter grass is so adorable. It's such a delight to see her exploring the world. Thanks for sharing.

Stacy and Derek said...

Oh my goodness! I love her little smile. So dang cute.

Camille said...

I LOVE the pictures. I can't wait for my little guy to be this cute next year. All my others are all growing up. The joy of little ones getting excited by grass. :)